Anti-depression Squad

Depression has, is, and will continue to be a huge problem in the world. It is the root cause of all issues, suicides, and other modes of negative influences. It is a mental state where one starts to think negatively of himself/herself and eventually decides to end his/her life. Losing people in the world is as good as losing parts of your body, as the world’s population it’s lone body part.

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A Victim of Depression

For people who want to do good, there is nothing better than helping people in need. At the moment, depressed people are the ones who need to be helped. That’s the reason I started this Anti-depression movement (not officially a movement, but anyone can join it). It is really to join this movement, one does not even need to see me to do so. People all around the world can join it, all they need to do is spread positive messages and smiles. I request everyone to do this and help those in need. It doesn’t even cost money, since love and happiness is free! Just share it!

Thanks in advance!

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